ভিটামিন-সি, জলে দ্রবণীয় ভিটামিন৷ অ্যান্টি-এজিং (ত্বককে তরুণ রাখা)ক্রীম প্রস্তুত করতে ইহা ব্যবহৃত হয় কারণ এটি সংরক্ষণকারী এবং অ্যান্টিঅক্সিড্যান্ট-এর বৈশিষ্ট্যযুক্ত ...
A type of baby shower where parents invite friends and family over to 'see' the newborn while 'sipping' on a drink, generally tea, coffee, or punch. Small snacks can also be ...
UFOs are unidentified aircraft which are attributed to alien space flight. One supposed UFO halted air traffic at Hangzhou Airport, China, on July 7. The appearance is being ...
Also called Zulu (Z) time, previously Greenwich Mean Time. UT is based on the imaginary "mean sun," which averages out the effects on the length of the solar day caused by Earth's ...
A long, green, cylinder-shaped member of the gourd family with edible seeds surrounded by mild, crisp flesh. Used for making pickles and usually eaten ...