An electrical relay intended to switch when its characteristics quantity, under specified conditions and with a specified accuracy attains its operating value.
An all-or-nothing relay energized via another relay. An example is a measuring relay, for the purpose of providing higher rated contacts, or introducing a time delay, or providing ...
An electrical relay in which the designed response is developed by electronic, magnetic, optical or other components without mechanical motion. Excludes relays using digital ...
The process by which oxygen generated at the positive plate during charge reacts with the pure lead material of the negative plate and in the presence of sulfuric acid and reforms ...
When data is ready to be transmitted it is divided into pieces called packets. These packets contain information about which computer sent the data and where the data is going.
A credit card-sized peripheral that plugs into personal computers to expand RAM memory, add a modem, network card, hard drives, and other various PC devices. Three types of card ...