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7 Terms

Created by: Yi Yao

Number of Blossarys: 1

Collected Terms

Eine probabilistische Simulationsmethode des Projektmanagements. Hierbei werden die Prozentsätze der kritischen Zeiten, Aktivitäten und Pfade in mehreren tausend Simulationen identifiziert.

Domain: Business services; 分类: Project management

已完成工作量的预算费用 (Budgeted Cost for Work Performed,简称BCWP)是指在某一时刻已经完成的工作(或部份工作),以批准认可的预算为标准所需要的资金总额,又称“已完成投资额”。由于业主正是根据这个值为承包商完成的工作量支付相应的费用,也就是承包获得(挣得)的金额,故称挣得值或挣值。当然,已完成工作必须经过验收,符合质量要求。 ...

Domain: Business services; 分类: Project management

蒙特-卡罗,又译蒙特-卡洛模拟法,是一种随机模拟方法,以概率和统计理论方法为基础的一种计算方法,是使用随机数(或更常见的伪随机数)来解决很多计算问题的方法。将所求解的问题同一定的概率模型相联系,用电子计算机实现统计模拟或抽样,以获得问题的近似解。为象征性地表明这一方法的概率统计特征,故借用赌城蒙特卡罗命名。 ...

Domain: Business services; 分类: Project management

A method of simulating project activity duration using probabilities. The method identifies the percentage of times, activities, and paths that are critical over thousands of simulations.

Domain: Business services; 分类: Project management

The value for completed work measured in terms of the planned budget for the work. The earned value or original budgeted cost for work actually completed.

Domain: Business services; 分类: Project management

BOOT是BOT的衍伸词,BOT是英文Build-Operate-Transfer的缩写,通常直译为“建设-经营-转让”。 实质上是基础设施投资、建设和经营的一种方式,以政府和私人机构之间达成协议为前提,由政府向私人机构颁布特许,允许其在一定时期内筹集资金建设某一基础设施并管理和经营该设施及其相应的产品与服务。 ...

Domain: Business services; 分类: Project management

A risk management provision in which the prime contractor not only builds the facility, but also takes over ownership until its operation capacity has been proven before final transfer of ownership ...

Domain: Business services; 分类: Project management

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