
Languages are one of the best part of a culture and a people. Each language tells a lot about the people that speak it. For translations, questions, discussions and even interesting information about quotes and terms, you can add it and find it here.

日期: 05:42, 2 March 2012

Spanish Translation

This forum is for Spanish translation related topics and discussions.

Posts: 3; Create:  03:59, 21 January 2014

English, UK Translation

This forum is for English, UK translation related topics and discussions.

Posts: 8; Create:  03:29, 22 January 2014

Portuguese, Brazilian Translation

This forum is for Portuguese, Brazilian translation related topics and ...

Posts: 23; Create:  03:18, 21 January 2014

Spanish, Latin American Translation

This forum is for Spanish, Latin American translation related topics and ...

Posts: 7; Create:  04:01, 21 January 2014

If you can read this you have a strong mind

If you can read this you have a strong mind 7H15 M3554G3 53RV35 7O PR0V3 H0W ...

Posts: 1; Create:  08:35, 4 September 2011

Success Quotations

If you wish success in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience ...

Posts: 2; Create:  23:01, 12 February 2012

Motivational Quotations

Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant. There is a fuel ...

Posts: 1; Create:  22:54, 12 February 2012


Tips for how to maintain motivation for studying a language.

Posts: 4; Create:  03:44, 25 April 2011

Does it help to have a degree in translation when looking to work as a freelance translator?

Posts: 9; Create:  18:34, 10 March 2011

What works when you really want to learn a language?

The advertising content over the Internet offers hundreds of thousands of ads ...

Posts: 3; Create:  08:39, 30 June 2011
