
This forum is to discuss, suggest or criticize (constructive critiques, please!) any aspect of TermWiki. Feel free to express your opinion about the site, share any doubts, or state whatever you have in your mind! Welcome to the forum about the fastest growing social learning website.

日期: 06:21, 28 February 2012

New Look

What do people think of TermWiki's new look?

Posts: 17; Create:  05:40, 4 January 2012

find widget link on the landing page?

It seems that, if someone wants to go to widget, he/she has to reopen the email ...

Posts: 1; Create:  09:16, 6 June 2012

Help with TermWiki function

I can't find a function to delete my account. Where is it? Can somebody ...

Posts: 2; Create:  16:47, 28 August 2011

Loading forever...

Hi! It's been a couple of days (maybe a week) that I can't access the ...

Posts: 1; Create:  21:44, 7 April 2014


I had translated all terms of page 1- Mathematics and I can't save. Why?

Posts: 3; Create:  18:37, 27 May 2012

Number of points not updated

Hi, I noticed that the number of points and terms I translated on my user page ...

Posts: 1; Create:  05:22, 1 June 2012

IPad 2 for students

Hi there! I new to TermWiki. I learned about TermWiki contest for students. Am ...

Posts: 1; Create:  12:31, 20 October 2011

word count

Is that possible to know the number of my translated words?

Posts: 1; Create:  07:06, 18 May 2012

Featured Term Discussion

They're all very interesting.

Posts: 2; Create:  11:29, 16 May 2012

How to change a term

After posting a term, it's possible to edit the description, but I ...

Posts: 1; Create:  19:05, 7 February 2012
