The study of the body's immune system.
Tumorska imunologija je proučavanje obrane domaćina od tumora, obično se proučava putem transplantacije tumora.
Celularna imunologija je znanost koja proučava temelje staničnog imuniteta.
Higher than normal levels of calcium in the blood. Some types of cancer increase the risk of hypercalcemia.
The flow of lymph from an area of tissue into a particular lymph node.
In medicine, a mineral is a nutrient that is needed in small amounts to keep the body healthy. Mineral nutrients include the elements calcium, magnesium, and iron.
Not harmful or destructive.
An increased number of thrombocytes (platelets) in the blood, without a known cause. Also called essential thrombocythemia.
A thin tube that carries lymph (lymphatic fluid) and white blood cells through the lymphatic system. Also called lymphatic vessel.
Skyfall (prvi put prikazan 23. listopada 2013) je naziv 23. filma o Jamesu Bondu u produkciji kuće Eon Productions series, i obilježava 50-tu ...