Metar je temeljna jedinica dužine po SI sustavu jedinica, određena kao udaljenost koju prođe svjetlost u vakuumu u točno 1/299792458 sekundi. 1 m = 39.37 inča. Kratica za metar je ...
A term used to refer to the recurrence of stressed and unstressed sounds in poetry. Depending on how sounds are arranged, the rhythm of a poem may be fast or slow, choppy or ...
The repetition of identical or similar concluding syllables in different words, most often at the ends of lines. Rhyme is predominantly a function of sound rather than spelling; ...
The conclusion of a plot’s conflicts and complications. The resolution, also known as the falling action, follows the climax in the plot. See also dénouement, plot.
The moment in a story when previously unknown or withheld information is revealed to the protagonist, resulting in the discovery of the truth of his or her situation and, usually, ...
Kompjuterizirani telekomunikacijski uređaj koji omogućava klijentu financijske institucije pristup financijskim transakcijama u javnom prostoru bez ...