Chemicals that have a smell and/or taste and are used in perfumes or flavors. Should note be confused with the term Aromatic Chemicals that refers to the Benzene ring structure ...
Therapy with aroma. It’s the art and science of using essential oils to heal common ailments and complaints. It particularly helps with stress or emotionally triggers problems ...
The back note is the third and last phase of a perfume's life on the skin, or evaporation. It contains the lasting ingredients, such as woods, resins, animal and crystalline ...
Refers to animal-derived ingredients such as civet, ambergris, musk, and castoreum. These are usually replaced by synthetics in modern perfumery. In large amounts, many of these ...
The world's most popular fruit. The most common U.S. variety is the yellow Cavendish. They are picked green and develop better flavor when ripened off ...