An appearance to people on earth of a heavenly being--Christ, Mary, an angel, or a saint. The apparitions of Jesus in his risen body to his disciples occurred between Easter and his Ascension into heaven (641, 659).
Pronounced wiz·zy·wig (wĭz'ē-wĭg). The term relates to an HTML editor, word processor, or desktop publishing system that is designed to show you on screen exactly what will be ...
A view that groups together two or more subviews, such as list or column views. A split view includes one or more splitter bars to adjust the relative sizes of the subviews.
The grace which heals our human nature wounded by sin by giving us a share in the divine life of the Trinity. It is a habitual, supernatural gift which continues the work of ...
The handing on of apostolic preaching and authority from the Apostles to their successors the bishops through the laying on of hands, as a permanent office in the Church (77, ...
The heritage of faith contained in Sacred Scripture and Tradition, handed on in the Church from the time of the Apostles, from which the Magisterium draws all that it proposes for ...
The greatest and oldest Christian feast, which celebrates Christ's Resurrection from the dead. Easter is the "feast of feasts," the solemnity of solemnities, the "Great Sunday. " ...
The gracious action of God which frees us from sin and communicates "the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ" (Rom 3:22). Justification is not only the remission of ...
The human individual, made in the image of God; not some thing but some one, a unity of spirit and matter, soul and body, capable of knowledge, self-possession, and freedom, who ...
The latest Apple iPhone as of June 15, 2010. iPhone 4 comes with such features as FaceTime, Retina display, multitasking, HD video, and a 5-megapixel ...