主页 > 词条 > 哈萨克语(KK) > түйеқұс жұмыртқалары

түйеқұс жұмыртқалары

Emu eggs are becoming increasingly available from breeders; they have been spotted at some Whole Foods Markets for $19.99 per egg (compared to a chicken’s daily output, a good breeding pair of emus can produce just 20 to 50 eggs per breeding season). The shells are handsome and can range from teal to dark green (see photo at right). The empty shells are much desired as crafts and objects d’art. The emu is the second largest bird, after the ostrich; a single emu egg is equivalent to about 10 hen’s eggs. The yolk is a paler yellow than a hen’s egg; it accounts for about 45% of the egg, compared with 34% to 35% in a hen’s egg; it contains more fat as well. The flavor is said to be stronger; while they have been a part of the Bushmen’s diet for 30,000 years, in Australia today they are served largely as curiosities. If you want to hard-boil one, it will take about 1 hour 45 minutes for a medium-sized emu egg.

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