A Facebook application that lets users share videos on Facebook. Users can add their videos with the service by uploading video, adding video through Facebook Mobile, and using a ...
In art, generally the form of anything that an artist depicts against a background, i. E. The subject of an image; more specifically, the term usually denotes the human form, and ...
Сценарийлерді қимылмен көрсететін тұрақты суреттердің ретін электрондық түрде түсіру, жазу, өңдеу, сақтау, тасымалдау және қайта құрастыру технологиясы. ...
In general, to take on a bodily form. In Christianity, the historical event in which God became a man in Jesus of Nazareth. According to the gospel of John: "The Word became flesh ...
A digital video image or segment that has been processed using a variety of computer compression algorithms and other techniques to reduce the amount of data required to ...
A process used in both analog and digital image processing to reduce bandwidth. Filters can be designed to remove information content such as high or low frequencies, for example, ...
The number of images contained in a single second of a moving picture. Thirty FPS is considered full-motion video. Many proprietary digital video technologies produce only 15 FPS ...
A digital electronic device which synchronizes two or more video signals. The frame synchronizer uses one of its inputs as a reference and genlocks the other video signals to the ...
Rating of the fine detail (definition) of a TV picture, measured in scan lines. The more lines, the higher the resolution and the better the picture. A standard VHS format VCR ...
With the HSB model, all colors can be defined by expressing their levels of hue (the pigment), saturation (the amount of pigment) and brightness (the amount of white included), in ...