In art, an image that purports to make visible, or simply to ornament, the sense or meaning of a text, particularly as an aid to the reader’s interest or understanding.
A command or data used for special processing by output devices, such as printer drivers. Picture comments are usually stored in the definition of a picture or are included in the ...
A movement in visual art, literature, dance, and theatre that flourished in various urban centers around europe (including zurich, berlin and paris) following the first world war ...
A movement in painting that flourished mainly in paris in the first decades of the twentieth century, led by pablo picasso and georges braque (and greatly influenced by paul ...
A structure of one or many interconnecting passages; more generally, a complex construction; similar to a maze, though the latter include blind passages without issue, whereas ...
An image or object worshipped as the embodiment of special qualities, typically a deity or divinity; the worship of idols ("graven images") is forbidden in all the abrahamic ...
The vertical posts of a doorway or window frame; used as well of the walls that slant towards a doorway. In the portals of gothic cathedrals the jambs are sculptures. At chartres ...
Any form of printmaking in which an image is incised into a plate, or matrix (typically of metal), and then filled with ink and transferred by pressing or rubbing the plate onto ...