Provides the services and management functions required to support transaction demarcation, transactional resource management, synchronization, and transaction context propagation.
An atomic unit of work that modifies data. A transaction encloses one or more program statements, all of which either complete or roll back. Transactions enable multiple users to ...
An authenticated set of users classified by common traits such as job title or customer profile. Groups are also associated with a set of roles, and every user that is a member of ...
In a bus-connected multiprocessor system, processes or threads communicate through a global memory shared by all processors. This shared data segment is placed in the address ...
A deployable unit that consists of one or more Web components, other resources, and a Web application deployment descriptor contained in a hierarchy of directories and files in a ...
Hosts and manages distributed logic and supports services, such as: high performance data access, transaction management, distribution state and session management, request ...
The world's most popular fruit. The most common U.S. variety is the yellow Cavendish. They are picked green and develop better flavor when ripened off ...