The total amount of money the government owes.
“Neither a borrower nor a lender be,” wrote Shakespeare in “Hamlet”. Actually, the availability of debt, and the willingness to take it on, is a crucial ingredient of economic ...
The source of a government's power or authority.
A group of governmental officials who head various departments in the Executive Branch and advise the president.
A way of describing dissatisfaction with the workings of a bureaucracy in terms of inefficiency, mismanagement, and frustration.
To reject or refuse to sign a bill from Congress. This is the check that the president has on the powers of the legislative branch of government.
Government control is in the hands of limited number of people who are chosen on the basis of wealth and power.
The division of power between the national government (delegated power) and the state governments (reserved power).
Бистра е млада верижна планина во западниот дел на Македонија. Богата е со голем број на специфични растенија, како: мајчина душица, кантарион, ...
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