All costs for a specific project, including costs for land, professionals, construction, furnishings, fixtures, equipment, financing, and any other project-related costs.
The charges consultancies make for expenditure incurred on client programmes, such as print, travel, telephones, mailing costs, and so on. Usually charged monthly in arrears ...
A plan, which may range from a formal Contract/Responsibility Chart with detailed instructions on a large project, to an informal list of contact names, telephone numbers, and ...
A subset of project management that includes the processes required to ensure timely and appropriate generation, collection and dissemination, storage and ultimate disposition of ...
Any unique and verifiable product, result, or capability to perform a service that must be produced to complete a process, phase, or project. Often used more narrowly in reference ...
Еден сендвич се состои од една или повеќе парчиња леб со хранливи пополнување меѓу нив. Секаков вид на леб, павлака или векна леб, ролни и бухти ќе се ...