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Female genital mutilation

The surgical removal of the external female genitalia for non-medical reasons. Also, called female genital cutting or female circumcision, FGM is practiced in many countries of Africa, in parts of the Middle East, and within some immigrant communities in Europe, North America, and Australasia. FGM is typically carried out on girls from birth to puberty and is considered by its practitioners to be an essential part of raising a girl properly by cleansing her with the removal of "male" body parts. It ensures pre-marital virginity by inhibiting extra-marital sex due to reduced libido. The WHO has labeled female genital mutilation as a human right violation.

Female genital mutilation的贡献者

Female genital mutilation


人权; Female genital mutilation

切割女性生殖器官包括几个程序的部分或完全移除女性外生殖器或损害非医学原因的女性生殖器官。世卫组织已分类分为四种切割女性生殖器官:: 类型 i: 部分或全部切除阴蒂和/或包皮 (clitoridectomy)。: 二类: 部分或全部切除阴蒂、 阴唇,或不切除术阴唇 (切除)。: 键入 III: 创建覆盖的收窄的阴道口密封通过剪切和 appositioning 阴唇和 (或) 阴唇,或不切除阴蒂 ...


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