主页 > 产品类别 > 赌博 > Lottery
A lottery is a form of gambling which involves the drawing of lots for a prize. It usually involves the organizer selling a large amount of numbered tickets and conducting draw to select the winning numbers. Lotteries are usually run to raise revenue in addition to taxes by government agencies.
奖金 Gopher 5
赌博; Lottery
类似于 Gopher 5 乐透,奖金 Gopher 5 已绘制的奖金球第六。球员仍获得五个数字上他们的票,他们仍然需要与绘制赢得累积奖金的第 5 号匹配。但是,如果四个数字匹配的第五个四数字绘制,和第五号码匹配的结果绘制的奖金球,在玩家获胜 $5,000。如果三个数字匹配任何三绘制的前五个数字和其他两个数字之一匹配奖金球绘制的 ,在玩家获胜 100 美元。如果两个数字匹配绘制首五个任何的数字两个和 ...