主页 > 产品类别 > 农药 > Potassium fertilizers

Potassium fertilizers

Of or relating to any inorganic substance used as a source of potassium nutrition for plants in order to encourage faster growth.


Potassium fertilizers

K2O 吨

农药; 钾肥

一个单元,措施含钾的营养价值肥料。加拿大钾肥钾肥产品保证含有 60 %k2o 最少。

农药; 钾肥

Potash is the only source of potassium fertilizer; there are no practical substitutes. Potash helps improve a plant's disease resistance and crop quality, and increases yields. The word potash is ...

氧化钾 (K2O)

农药; 钾肥

在化肥工业中用于定义含钾量的术语。要转换为 K2O 的氯化钾产品吨,乘以 0.61。


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