A theory that seeks to incorporate a quantum theory of gravity into the Standard Model. In this theory, the fundamental constituents of matter are not particles, but strings. The ...
When a star exhausts its nuclear fuel, it under goes a catastrophic collapse. The resulting explosion is known as a supernova. It often is brighter than an entire galaxy.
Supersymmetry predicts the existence of superpartners of the Standard Model particles. These new types of particles, the superparticles, would represent a new quantum dimension.
A hypothetical symmetry relating particles of different spins. Under this symmetry, matter particles (spin one-half fermions) are related to force particles (spin-zero or spin-one ...
Astronomical measurements indicate that luminous matter, such as our sun, makes up only a small percentage of the total matter in the universe. The missing mass that makes up the ...
Physicists use symmetries to restrict possible theories of fundamental particles. As an analogy, consider the human face. If you were able to see only the right side of a person's ...