A compact notation for describing a chemical change. The formulas of the reactants are added together on the left hand side of the equation; the formulas of the products are ...
Together or separately, (a) a toxic chemical and its precursors, except when intended for a purpose not prohibited under the Chemical Weapons Convention; (b) a munition or ...
Nje lidhje kimike eshte nje terheqje e forte ndermjet dy ose me shume atomeve. Lidhjet i mbajne atomet te lidhura bashke ne molekula dhe kristale. Ka shume lloje te lidhjeve ...
Matja e nje vetie kimike perfshin nje ndryshim kimik. Per shembull, percaktimi i ndezshemrise qe benzines perfshin djegjen e saj, duke prodhuar dioksid karboni dhe uje.
A branch of chemistry that studies chemical phenomena from a physical and mathematical perspective. Physical chemistry includes chemical thermodynamics, kinetics, spectroscopy, ...
Element 39, atomic weight 88.90585, a dark gray metal that is used in alloys and nuclear technology for its high neutron transparency. Yttrium compounds are used in the ...
A spontaneous process occurs because of internal forces; no external forces are required to keep the process going, although external forces may be required to get the process ...
A substance that makes a mixture more stable. Antioxidants and antiozonants are examples of stabilizers; stabilizers are added to paints to prevent the components of the mixture ...