An IPOfn product that gives short term trading buy and sell signals on IPOs that have come public within the last 6 months by the top 5% of the underwriters.
A Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) computer database system that allows registered securities issuers to file reports with the SEC by computer instead of having to file ...
The 1st time a company offers it shares to the public. This can also apply to a company that was previously public but went private through a buy-out. If the company decides to ...
A proprietary IPOfn index that is the only forward looking index of its kind that measures the health, or lack thereof, of the IPO market as it relates to IPOs that have yet to be ...
a national computer network through which securities dealers execute and post transactions and record prices. It is the major method of over-the-counter trading.
A government agency that regulates and supervises the securities industry. The commission adminsters federal laws, formulates and enforces rules to protect against malpractice, ...