Индијска лука у Бенгалском заливу. Енглеска је изградила упориште тамо 1639-40, из којег је Источна Индијска компанија проширила своју контролу над регионом (1688-1749). Од ...
A process to flatten fabric involving alternating smooth metal and cloth-wrapped rollers, similar to ironing. The process can also be used to apply different finishes to ...
The natural fiber, grown chiefly in Western and Eastern Europe, that is used in the production of linen. Flax seeds are also used as a dietary supplement and are used to make ...
The process of interlocking loops of yarn to form a fabric. Warp knitting loops yarn across a fabric, while weft knitting loops several yarns down the length of a fabric.
A decorative open fabric made through knitting or looping yarns together. Lace also refers to design work on top of a base fabric, resulting in a raised pattern.
A meaty fish with firm, flavorful flesh. High in protein, the meat is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids. It can often be found on our fresh ...