主页 > 词条 > 塞尔维亚 (SR) > начин плаћања за комуналије

начин плаћања за комуналије

The method by which fuel suppliers or utility companies are paid for all electricity, natural gas, fuel oil, kerosene, or liquefied petroleum gas used by a household. Households that pay the utility company directly are classified as "all paid by household." Households that pay directly for at least one but not all of their fuels used and that has at least one fuel charge included in the rent were classified as "some paid, some included in rent." Households for which all fuels used are included inrent were classified as "all included in rent." If the household did not fall into one of these categories, it was classified as "other." Examples of households falling into the "other" category are (1)households for which fuel bills were paid by a social service agency ora relative, and (2) households that paid for some of their fuels used but paid for other fuels through another arrangement.

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Ivan Andrijasevic
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行业/领域: 假日 类别 国家法定假日

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