Loose aggregate of solids derived from preexisting rocks, or solids precipitated from solution by inorganic chemical processes or extracted from solution by organisms.
Нерастворна супстанца која се гради растварањем супстанци у неком раствору. На пример, мешање раствора сребро-нитрата и натријум-хлорида производи талог, нерастворни сребро-хлорид ...
Стање које произилази из утицаја рапидног опадања атмосферског притиска на тело. Симптоми укључују проширен бол, бол у грудима, кратак дах и кому. Стање може бити ...
The flow of an element through the living tissue and physical environment of an ecosystem; e. g., the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus cycles."
A method of prenatal testing in which amniotic fluid is withdrawn from the uterus through a needle. The fluid and the fetal cells it contains are analyzed to detect biochemical or ...
A meeting of bishops of an ecclesiastical province or patriarchate (or even from the whole world, e. G. , Synod of Bishops) to discuss the doctrinal ...