an agent that affords defense against a deleterious influence, such as a substance applied to the skin to avoid the effects of the sun's rays or other noxious influences; called ...
An outward manifestation that stands for something - and for somebody. Semiotics studies culture and views its material products and what happens in it as signs.
An item in the Exchange store. A calendar item can represent an appointment, a meeting, a meeting request, or an event. It can identify the place, resources, recurrence, and ...
A single file that stores multiple compressed files. These files are commonly used in software installation and to reduce the file size and the associated download time for Web ...
А је прво слово свих језика, па тако и српског језика. Српски језик је састављен од 30 слова. Азбука је име за скуп слова које садржи српски језик. ...