Makers and maintainers of protoplasm; the basic living unit of all organisms except viruses. The cells of organisms other than bacteria are eukaryotes those containing a defined ...
Fundamental structural unit of all life. The cell consists primarily of an outer plasma membrane, which separates it from the environment; the genetic material (DNA), which ...
Стање које произилази из утицаја рапидног опадања атмосферског притиска на тело. Симптоми укључују проширен бол, бол у грудима, кратак дах и кому. Стање може бити ...
The flow of an element through the living tissue and physical environment of an ecosystem; e. g., the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus cycles."
A method of prenatal testing in which amniotic fluid is withdrawn from the uterus through a needle. The fluid and the fetal cells it contains are analyzed to detect biochemical or ...
Реч "арханђео" потиче од грчке αρχαγγελος (арцхангелос), што значи главни анђео, превод хебрејског רב-מלאך (РАВ-мал'акх). Потиче од грчке Арцхо, што ...