Stroga pravila dramske strukture, formulisana od strane italijanskih i francuskih kritičara tokom Renesanse, i donekle zasnovana na principima drame kako ih je Aristotel ...
Ovo je klasična struktura zapleta po sledećem obrascu: U prvom činu je život glavnog junaka izbačen iz ravnoteže nekim događajem. Glavni lik je suočen sa preprekom. Prepreka je ...
A short middle section of a musical composition usually offered between the acts of a longer operatic work. These were light-hearted in nature, with very small casts: La serva ...
A musical theme used throughout an opera to represent a character or plot situation. Also called a ‘signature tune’. It is identified with Wagner’s operas in which the device was ...
The middle female voice, similar to an oboe in range; the sound is darker and often warmer than the soprano; opera often uses the mezzo voice to portray a mother or caretaker, a ...