A modern reference (90’s onward) to the man’s feet being the same as the women’s. Right foot to right foot, or left to left, no matter the direction. See also parallel ...
(Argentine cowboy) The folklore of Argentina centers around this figure. Martin Fierro written by Jose Hernandez is the bible to read in order to understand this personnage from ...
The origin and etymology of the word tango is debated and researched even to this day. There are several possibilities and perhaps all of these are in fact true. In some African ...
A style is used to describe a tango that began to be danced in the 40’s in Buenos Aires during the golden years of tango. It incorporates the rhythms of the milongueros and the ...
A rhythm of tango that combines the 1,2 of tango with the 1,2,3 of the country waltz. Sparkling like a glass of champagne, the tangovals uses the structure of tango variations ...