Indicates by contrast that the raw material is unmalted barley, wheat or maize produced as a continuous process in a column still. There are eight grain distilleries in Scotland (an older source lists 15 note)
The easiest cleavage direction in a stone. "With the grain" is the same as "natural bed." Also, the composition and texture of particles, crystals, sand, or rock.
The malt grist is fed into the 'mash tun' where it is combined with a carefully measured quantity of hot water. This completes the conversion of dextrin into maltose and produces ...
Newly distilled malt whisky is generally 115-120 deg proof as it comes off the still. It is generally watered down and bottled at 70 deg proof for the domestic British market. It ...
Many distilleries began their lives on farms. The distilling season began after the harvest and continued until late April. Until modern times this cycle was followed by all ...
This indicates that the whisky was made in only one distillery and has not been blended with any other product from elsewhere. It may however contain whisky from several ...
The fully germinated malt is next transferred to the kiln for drying on a mesh over a fire containing a certain amount of peat, thus contributing to the peaty taste evident in ...
As has been stated above, the process of malting converts the plain barley grain into malted barley and by so doing greatly changes its chemical makeup. The barley is first soaked ...
A meeting of bishops of an ecclesiastical province or patriarchate (or even from the whole world, e. G. , Synod of Bishops) to discuss the doctrinal ...