The basic logical unit of an XML document that may serve as a container for other elements as children, data, attributes, and their values. Elements are identified by start-tags, ...
A unit of information within a markup language that is defined by a tag, or a pair of tags surrounding some content, and includes any attributes defined within the initial tag.
An element is a substance composed of atoms with identical atomic number . The older definition of element (an element is a pure substance that can't be decomposed chemically) was ...
A megabit is roughly a million bits of data. This abbreviation is used to describe data transmission speeds, such as the rate at which information travels over the internet.
A transducer which measures the mean or average value of the input waveform but which is adjusted to give an output corresponding to the r.m.s. value of the input when that input ...
An electrical relay intended to switch when its characteristics quantity, under specified conditions and with a specified accuracy attains its operating value.