A transition metal with a white metallic appearance. Titanium is lighter than steel, and is highly resistant to corrosion and expansion. These properties make it very suitable for ...
TiB 2 A hard solid that resists oxidation at elevated temperatures and melts at 2980_C; used as a refractory and in alloys, high-temperature electrical conductors, and cermets.
TiC Very hard gray crystals insoluble in water, soluble in nitric acid and aqua regia, melts at about 3140_C; used in cermets, arc-melting electrodes, and tungsten-carbide tools.
A Sanskrit word means vehicle. A term applied to Buddhism as a means by which a practitioner cultivates on the path to enlightenment. The different vehicles correspond to views of ...
A bodhisattva or other "deity" assigned to a Vajrayana monk by his guru as his personal guide and protector. Once established, this link will last the monk's lifetime, and will ...
(Japanese) In Zen Buddhism, the practice of extended periods of seated mediation, usually in a group in a meeting hall. The monks sit quietly for long periods of time in the ...
Greek mountain and pilgrimage site, known as the birthplace of early Christian Orthodox monasticism, housing around 20 Eastern Orthodox monasteries. ...