A small body which orbits a larger one. A natural or an artificial moon. Earth-orbiting spacecraft are called satellites. While deep-space vehicles are technically satellites of ...
A manufactured object that orbits a celestial body, either in a geostationary or a polar manner. Some of the information that is gathered by weather satellites, such as GOES9, ...
An object that orbits another. Usually used to describe an artificial satellite. Satellite’s orbits include; geosynchronous, near-geosynchronous, low earth orbiting satellites.
Lens (or combination of lenses) that brings different wavelenghts within a ray of light to a single focus, thus overcoming chromatic aberration. It was first successfully made by ...
1) Active galactic nuclei are very luminous. Their energy output is in two forms: nonthermal continuum and thermal emission line. 2) Any galaxy which is emitting large quantities ...
1) A process by which a star accumulates matter as it moves through a dense cloud of interstellar gas; or, more generally, whereby matter surrounding a star flows toward it (as in ...
Високо отровна змија од семејството елапидај родено во Азија и Африка. Кога се вознемирени, кобрата ја крева главата и ја проширува кожата на вратот ...