A formal and signed agreement between buyers and sellers in which the latter verifies the goods he sells are not in violation of the FD&C Act when shipped.
A guarantee to secure the lender's claim on the borrower in the event of the loan not being repaid as stipulated in the agreement. Credit guarantees are used all around the world
Irrevocable commitment of a bank to make payment if a third party fails to supply specific goods or services. Main types of bank guarantee: bid bond, performance bond, advance ...
"Correction" means repair, modification, adjustment, relabeling, destruction, or inspection (including patient monitoring) of a product and/or the promotional materials which ...
The process of obtaining information concerning the other party's case. Methods of discovery are contained in Rule 16 of the Rules of Criminal Procedure, and Rules 26 through 37 ...
A "recall" is a firm's removal or correction of a marketed product(s), including its labeling and/or promotional materials, that FDA considers to be in violation of the laws it ...
Is the cancellation of a license and the withdrawal of the authorization to ship a biological product for sale, barter, or exchange in interstate commerce either at the request of ...
This is a formal agreement with a state or local agency. The agreement does not involve a transfer of funds or a transfer of personal or real property (Agreements calling for ...
The FDA policy of notifying an individual or firm of a violation of the Federal FD&C Act, or other acts, when voluntary correction is an appropriate initial response to the ...
A meaty fish with firm, flavorful flesh. High in protein, the meat is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids. It can often be found on our fresh ...