The immediate launch of a new product on a nation-wide scale, because of the risk and the substantial investment in production and marketing that a national introduction requires, ...
Costs directly associated with the manufacture of goods That could include factory lighting, rent, insurance Indirect overhead could include office expenses, R&D, lighting, etc
The owners of corporations are shareholders; the owners of partnerships are partners In an LLC (limited liability company) the owners are known as members Modified Adjusted Gross ...
Instead of an unqualified opinion, it's an opinion by a CPA that the financial statements do not represent fairly the results of the operations of the company and/or are not in ...
The borrower's annual net operating income before debt service and taxes divided by the annual debt service A measure of how safe the loan is to the lender
The failure of a debtor to comply with a provision of a bond indenture or loan agreement (commonly known as a technical default) or to make timely payment of interest or principal ...
A bond where interest payments are not made currently, but at a later date Similar to a zero coupon bond which pays 'interest' and principal at maturity The interest, in effect, ...
Високо отровна змија од семејството елапидај родено во Азија и Африка. Кога се вознемирени, кобрата ја крева главата и ја проширува кожата на вратот ...