A mark that defines a shape, a contour, and, more generally, marks that make up the design of a picture. Lines are key to establishing structure and movement in a picture.
Гранична линија која се протега по целата должина на теренот по обете страни. Доколку фудбалот или играчот ја допрат линијата, се смета дека се надвор од ...
Also: credit facility, borrowing limit, credit line. An amount up to which the bank will lend money to a particular customer. Customers can draw down any unutilized part of the ...
A straight line representing the combinations of variables, usually two goods, that cost the same at some given prices. The slope of a price line measures relative prices, and ...
The traditional narratives of any culturally bound group, typically exemplified in stories and/or characters that have emotional and cognitive resonance with such a group and that ...
In the visual arts, some thing that serves as the subject of a representation, often used of persons sitting for portraits (i. E. A “sitter”), or of the person depicted bodily in ...
Of the present, or, increasingly, of recent times, in its use as a designator of a cultural movement that dominated most of the twentieth century. In fact, the historical limits ...
In static visual arts, the perceptual effect or illusion of movement, effected by the elements of an image that lure the eye to perceive change. The way the eye views an image can ...