Machine translation (MT) investigates the use of computer software to translate text or speech from one natural language to another. MT performs simple substitution of words in ...
A person who has passed an examination to assess competency to interpret during court proceedings. In the US, although the requirements for certification of court interpreters ...
A translation that conveys the meaning of the original, or source text, by using equivalent language and the forms and structures of the target language, in order to produce a ...
This button, located below the search box, enables users who know the exact spelling of the term to go straight to the termpage, and not waste time in choosing from a list of most ...
This is a listing of all the revisions to a term or page, from the original page all the way to the present form. Revisions can be compared and pages can be reverted to previous ...
This control tab allows the term or page to be modified and perfected. In the case of a term, the edit term page will be shown; in the case of other pages, the page source will be ...