主页 > 产品类别 > 水果和蔬菜 > Leaf vegetables

Leaf vegetables

Also called green vegetables, leafy greens or simply greens, these are plant leaves eaten as a vegetable. Leaf vegetables come from a large variety of plants (often including tender petioles and shoots) and contain good nutrition value for a healthy diet.

Leaf vegetables的贡献者

Leaf vegetables

Calcot 洋葱

水果和蔬菜; Leaf vegetables

Calcot 洋葱是一种葱称为布兰卡 gran tardana 在加泰罗尼亚语,从西班牙的加泰罗尼亚,莱里达。随着许多农业产品,从塔拉戈纳、 加泰罗尼亚 Calcot 洋葱是注册的欧盟保护地理标志。这种认证选定产品具有一定的素质,以传统的方法,由于其地理来源。 Calcot 洋葱不是一个具体的品种,而它由一个传统的西班牙过程。这一进程始于各种各样维达利亚蒂梅丘拉蜂蜜洋葱,从上个赛季中救出,在夏季末 ...


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