主页 > 词条 > 塞尔维亚 (SR) > језеро Њаса
језеро Њаса
An African Great Lake and the southernmost lake in the Great Rift Valley system of East Africa. This lake,(the third largest in Africa and the eighth largest lake in the world,) is located between Malawi, Mozambique, and Tanzania. It is the second deepest lake in Africa, although its placid northern shore gives no hint of its depth. This great lake's tropical waters are reportedly the habitat of more species of fish than those of any other body of water on Earth .In most countriesknown as Lake Nyassa, Lake Niassa, or Lago Niassa in Mozambique.
- 词性: 专有名词
- 同义词: Lake_Malawi
- 词汇:
- 行业/领域: 水体
- 类别 湖区
- Company:
- 产品:
- 取首字母的缩写词:
行业/领域: 食品(其他) 类别 Food safety
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