Any piece of equipment that can be attached to a network or computer, for example, printers, keyboards, external disk drives, or other peripheral equipment. Devices normally ...
A piece of equipment, commonly powered by electricity, used to perform a particular energy-driven function. Examples of common appliances are refrigerators, clothes washers and ...
(1) Computer hardware, typically excluding the CPU and system memory, that can be controlled and can send and receive data. Examples of devices include displays, disk drives, ...
Pertaining to the traditional format in which audio and video are transmitted by using a wave or analog signal. An analog signal may not work with digital speakers; computers use ...
The instructions which program or sequence the functioning of the hardware of a device or system. These instructions may be contained internally (in ROM, for example) or ...
A device which, when subjected to a current or voltage, exhibits either gain (amplification) and/or control characteristics, or a device which converts input signal energy into ...
Helium nuclei emitted as a result of the radioactive decay of trace amounts of naturally occurring uranium and thorium found in semiconductor packaging materials. Alpha particles, ...
The functional design of a complex component, circuit or system, including both its hardware and its compatibility with external hardware and software.