Voda sa odobrenog izvora, zadovoljava sve standarde kvaliteta pijaće vode.
Bilo koja tečnost koja odgovara piću, obično nešto drugo osim vode.
Rater refers only to H 2 O's liquid form or state, but the substance also has a solid state, ice, and a gaseous state, water vapor or steam.
Bezbojna, tečnost bez ukusa sa nekim osobenim svojstvima koji proizilazi iz H-o-H strukture njenih molekula.
Popularly known as tips.
The term usually refers to the main course of a meal but can also mean any major course.
The term used for a drink, generally alcoholic, when it is imbibed before a meal and taken either as a palette cleanser or as an appetizer.
A small dish served before the main courses of a meal. In some cases the purpose is to stimulate or tease the appetite but usually the purpose is to reduce the appetite without ...
Slang for customer or client.
A type of Chinese restaurant that originated from Guangzhou, China.
У активу, субјекат глагола врши акцију. На пример, "Она је посетила своје пријатеље у Чикагу."
Smederevo, Serbia