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an organ characteristic of true mammals during pregnancy, joining mother and offspring, providing endocrine secretion and selective exchange of soluble, but not particulate, blood-borne substances through an apposition of uterine and trophoblastic vascularized parts. According to species, the area of vascular apposition may be diffuse, cotyledonary, zonary or discoid; the nature of apposition may be labyrinthine or villous; the intimacy of apposition may vary according to what layers are lost of those originally interposed between maternal and fetal blood (maternal endothelium, uterine connective tissue, uterine epithelium, chorion, extraembryonic mesoderm, and endothelium of villous capillary). The chorion may be joined by and receive blood vessels from either the yolk sac or the allantois, and the uterine lining may be largely shed with the chorion at birth (deciduate) or may separate from the chorion and remain (nondeciduate). The human placenta is discoid, villous, haemochorial, chorioallantoic, and deciduate. After birth, it weighs about 600 gm. and is about 16 cm. in diameter and 2 cm. thick, discounting a principal functional part, the maternal blood in the intervillous space (which leaks out at birth) into which the chorionic villi dip. The villi are grouped into adjoining cotyledons making about 20 velvety bumps on the side of the placenta facing outward to the uterus; the inner side of the placenta facing the fetus is smooth, being covered with amnion, a thin avascular layer that continues past the edges of the placenta to line the entire hollow sphere of chorion except where it is reflected to cover the umbilical cord, which joins fetus and placenta. The cord usually joins the placenta near the centre but may insert at the edge, on the nonplacental chorion, or on an accessory placenta.
音乐 Afkham
广播与接收; 新闻
音乐 Afkham,是该国的第一次外交部发言人,将率领代表团在东亚地区,国家通讯社报道。 也不清楚哪个国家她要将过帐到她的任命尚未正式宣布。 Afkham 只会伊朗有二名女大使。 Mehrangiz Dolatshahi,最后一个国王的统治著称的她宣传家庭保护法 》,给妇女离婚和子女监护的权利,在 1976 年,成为了驻丹麦大使的三次 MP 邮政她举行直到革命。 伊朗妇女需要她们的丈夫或法定监护人,如他们的父亲,出国旅行的许可。,政府也是愿意促进那些单一和不结婚的妇女。 Afkham 据报去年已经结婚了。 哈尼本周表示将他视为他政府的责任是为妇女和发言反对镇压宗教警察强制盖头的极限挑战,通过展示他们的头发的妇女创造平等机会。 但推翻的歧视性做法的决定不是完全在他的手。 ...
亚洲基础设施投资银行 (评选)
银行业; 投资银行
亚洲基础设施投资银行 (评选) 是国际的金融机构,设立,以处理亚洲基础设施发展的需要。 根据亚洲开发银行、 亚洲需要 $ 8000 亿每年为公路、 港口、 发电厂或其他基础设施项目在 2020 年之前。 在 2013 年最早提出中国,谅解备忘录的签字仪式在北京举行 2014 年 10 月 24 日正式成立的亚洲基础设施投资银行 (评选)。 2015 年 3 月 31 日,由评选欢迎作为其创始成员的四十多个国家。 的世界主要经济体,只有美国、 日本和加拿大没有加入评选作为创始成员,尽管他们可能申请加入后作为普通成员。 评选被一些人视为为国际货币基金组织、 世界银行和亚洲开发银行 (亚行),这很大程度由像美国这样的发达国家的竞争对手。 联合国曾形容评选"放大金融可持续发展"的全球经济治理的关注。 ...
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